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Training event held 6th/7th February 2017 at the Gulf College

Events | Duration: 17/11/2016 to 12/02/2017

ARELEN’s largest, most international and most successful leadership programme took place in Gulf College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman in February.


Over 50 delegates gathered from 8 different countries to explore challenges facing higher education institutions in the Arab world and how best to deal with them. The tutors were from 5 different countries.


In a first for ARELEN, one of the tutors was Professor Fabio do Prado, Rector of FEI University, who spoke live from Brazil on an innovative and comprehensive response for engaging with industry and employers which had culminated in a congress of over 2000 students, staff ad leading industrialists. This had focused on the ‘internet of things’ and given rise to some exciting and very relevant student projects. The engagement is continuing and expected to bring significant benefits for industry, students and of course the university itself.


Other contributions focused on internationalisation, the student voice, enhancing the role of women in higher education and building capacity for change.


Participants identified responses to the challenges in group sessions. Each of the participants left with prioritised actions which will result in the workshop having a major impact in the Arab world and beyond.


The programme was the first joint venture between ARELEN and Gulf College Oman. The college will be taking on a greater role in the management of ARELEN and participants looked forward to future programmes.


(ARELEN, the Arab and European Leadership in Education Network, is an initiative founded by Cardiff Metropolitan University and the Association of Arab Universities with support from the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.)



Pictures are now posted on the Galleries page



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